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Thank you for supporting our efforts to promote stewardship, protection and enhancement of wildlife throughout our state. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit citizens' conservation organization governed by an elected board of directors and affiliated with the National Wildlife Federation, the SCWF receives a substantial portion of its gifts through its dedicated donors. The South Carolina Wildlife Federation has served as a trusted voice for conservation in our state since 1931, and your support will continue to make our many programs and activities possible.
The Mission of the South Carolina Wildlife Federation is:
To conserve and restore South Carolina’s wildlife and
wildlife habitat through education and advocacy.
Please use this secure payment form to complete your transaction.
Please see a list of the donor levels below:
Student $15 Advocate $25 Family $35 Steward $50 Sustaining $100 Contributing $250 Investing $500 The Hampton-Heyward Society Monarch Butterfly $1,000 Red Cockaded Woodpecker $2,500 Bobwhite Quail $5,000 Spotted Salamander $10,000 Right Whale $25,000