Thank you for considering a corporate donation to the South Carolina Wildlife Federation.  Our mission is to facilitate effective habitat conservation and respect for outdoor traditions for current and future generations through statewide leadership, education, advocacy and partnerships.  With your corporate sponsorship, we will be able to continue to protect and enhance wildlife habitat and the natural resources upon which their survival depends.  The SCWF greatly values your support and your dedication to preserving and enhancing wildlife habitat in South Carolina.  We need your help to further spread the word about our education and conservation programs. 

 (Non-Profit Tax ID #: 57-0602549)

SCWF Event Sponsorship Levels:

Auction Table, August 2, 2014, Columbia
  • $1,250 Table for 8 at the Wild Summer’s Night Auction in August, Advertisement in the Auction program, Recognition at the Wild Summer’s Night Auction event    
Awards Table, February 2015, Columbia
  • $1,000 Table for 8 at the Annual Conservation Awards Banquet, Advertisement in the Awards Banquet program, Recognition at the Awards Banquet event

Event Sponsorship

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Auction Table $0.00

Awards Table Sold Out